Saturday, September 27, 2014

mind maping to get paid

earning money from the internet is not simple
you have to do anything better and more to winning the visitors
visitor are not just who read your blog
they just go to your blog at any reason
desire page, keyword they write on search engine, wrong click, curious blogpost, etc
all of them are your potential ads clickers, rise up your rating
my problem is the mind map above use bahasa Indonesia
would you translate it to spanish?

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

link exchange


this is my new activity, posting anybody links, generally and free.
the only must condition is there are no porn or anything like that

this is the beginning,

uler99 on blogfree  you can checkout there and see how they reviewing something

she is so perfect give link exchange too and you can use it

adsreview  ough, their reviews talk too much, but still in positive tone...that is ok

tematik indonesian new education system, you can get tematik book for indonesian student ... free!!

this is my best choice website about learning something an elementary school student..

let us go rehot the vga!